What if a Smartwatch Could Help You Overcome Addiction? It Can at Country Road

Pretaa Treatment

The Minnesota Model of treatment was first introduced in the 1950’s and overtime became the de facto model of modern day substance abuse treatment. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this style of treatment, it has remained rather unchanged since its inception. While the landscape of addiction has evolved over the decades, the way we treat addiction has stayed stagnant. In an effort to provide more effective treatment, Country Road has been on the forefront of innovative treatment approaches. That’s how we ended up partnering with a technology company that has been a game-changer for our clients and clinical team. Read on to learn more. 


Introducing Pretaa: A Revolution in Addiction Treatment


Pretaa is at the forefront of using biometric data to enhance addiction recovery. By combining the power of wearable technology with comprehensive patient assessments, Pretaa provides a holistic view of an individual's physical and mental health. This integration allows our medical and clinical teams to monitor critical metrics such as activity levels, sleep patterns, heart rate, and oxygen levels, offering invaluable insights into each patient’s well-being and treatment progress.


How Does It Work?


Clients at Country Road Recovery are provided with smartwatches equipped with Pretaa's technology. These devices continuously collect data, which is then analyzed to track progress and identify potential issues before they become significant setbacks. For instance, changes in sleep patterns or activity levels can signal stress, anxiety or potential relapse, enabling intervention beforehand. 


Real-Time Monitoring & Support


Addiction recovery is a 24/7 process, and Pretaa's technology supports this by providing round-the-clock monitoring. This continuous oversight ensures that patients receive support when they need it most. If a patient's biometric data indicates elevated stress levels, the care team can quickly respond with appropriate therapeutic approaches, whether it's a calming equine session or a simple check-in meeting.


Personalized Care Through Data


The data collected by Pretaa’s technology allows our clinical crew at Country Road Recovery to tweak treatment plans to each individual’s unique needs in real-time. This personalized approach ensures that every activity is timely and effective, leading to better outcomes. Families and caregivers also benefit from this data, gaining a deeper understanding of their loved one’s journey and being able to offer support when it’s needed most.


Empowering Patients with Knowledge


Knowledge is power, and Pretaa’s technology empowers our patients by providing them with insights into their own health and recovery progress. This self-awareness fosters a proactive approach to recovery, encouraging patients to take charge of their health and make informed decisions.


Looking Ahead


At Country Road Recovery, we are committed to leveraging the best available technologies to support our patients on their recovery journey. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we’re here to help. By integrating Pretaa's advanced technology, we are not only enhancing the quality of care but also paving the way for a more connected and informed recovery journey. Give us a call today to learn more about our programs and how we can be of service to you.