About Country Road
Addiction Treatment in Oklahoma
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Quitting drugs or alcohol can often seem overwhelming, or even impossible. We help clients regain control over their lives by healing their addiction from the inside out. That means a focus on underlying trauma and other mental, emotional, and behavioral health issues that fuel the fire of addiction.
Start the Road to Recovery
We’ll go above and beyond to ensure you can get the help you need, offering our hand to help make your transition into treatment stress-free.
We can help with:
Case Management
Transportation from Detox
Court Dates & Appeals
Workforce Re-entry
Family Education
Communication to Interested Parties
And More!

Addiction Treatment in Oklahoma

Addiction Treatment You Can Trust
We are a certified addiction treatment program with experienced licensed clinicians who truly care. Some of our staff are even alumni of the program themselves!
We specialize in treating co-occurring disorders, so you can find the root of your substance abuse and find freedom once and for all.
See what a former client has to say about Country Road's program and staff:
"I sincerely cannot express enough thanks to Country Road facility, program and staff. The program they implement deserves to be recognized. Most of the staff is in recovery so they understand on a personal level versus non addicts/alcoholics. The fact that they also help diagnose/treat mental health disorders is a major bonus. From the day I arrived, they made me feel valued, safe and cared for. I watched them move mountains and utilize connections for every client that truly wanted recovery. On my rough days, they supported and encouraged me extra so I was able to complete the program with a sense of pride and a whole slew of tools to utilize in my future. They set up all of my after discharge medical and psychological appointments as well as assisted me with a transition home to move into. The clientele included all different walks, races, and ages of life and the educational material was explained in such a way for all to understand. They worked hard to help clients grow but were able to keep the atmosphere from being either too clinical or too institutionalized. Country Road helped me discover recovery and a drive to be a better person. The staff is passionate about their mission. They even have a master handwritten sticky note saying “let’s save some lives today!” My heart goes out to you if you are in that dark spot. I was there not too long ago and I didn’t think I would ever get out. Country Road helped me launch out of it and into better things. I know for a fact they can do so for you too if you’re willing to do the work."