Your Road to Recovery

The Facts on Alcohol Abuse and Treatment

Written by Country Road Recovery Center | Nov 1, 2023 8:55:25 PM

Pervasive and challenging, alcohol abuse affected over 29 million people in 2021 according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism. It wreaks physical, psychological, and social havoc. Seeking help is often a crucial step for those struggling with alcohol abuse but it can be a daunting task. Many people may ask themselves if they really need help - if treatment is necessary. In this blog we’ll explore the spectrum of alcohol abuse and look at why alcohol addiction treatment may be a good idea. It might just save your life. 

The Spectrum of Alcohol Abuse

Ranging from mild (with occasional alcohol abuse) to severe (with chronic alcohol abuse), alcoholism exists on a continuum. Knowing where you honestly fall on this scale will help determine the necessity of treatment. If you find yourself identifying with the following factors, then alcohol rehab might be a good idea. 

1. Loss of Control

A good indicator that you have a problematic relationship with alcohol is the inability to stop or control your drinking. Honestly ask yourself if you find it difficult to stop drinking once you’ve started. Have you tried to control the amounts and frequency with which you drink but found you could not? In the past, have you made attempts to quit drinking all together and failed? 

2. Health Consequences

Drinking alcohol can cause a multitude of physical and mental health consequences. You don’t necessarily have to drink for a long time or in heavy amounts for this to occur. High blood pressure, gout, heart disease, liver disease, stroke, digestive problems, and cancer can all result from alcohol abuse. It weakens the immune system putting you at a greater risk of getting sick. Alcohol abuse can wreak havoc with your emotions and bring on bouts of depression and anxiety. It will also exacerbate any underlying medical issues you may already have.

3. Interpersonal & Social Problems

Have your family and friends voiced concerns about your drinking? Alcohol abuse often puts a strain on relationships and can cause conflicts with those we care about the most. Do you find yourself isolating, drinking alone, or wishing everyone would leave you alone? These are all red flags and alcohol treatment should be considered. 

4. Occupational/Educational Impairment

Alcohol abuse will inevitably lead to the inability to function on the day-to-day level. If your performance at work or school has been negatively affected by your alcohol consumption, you may have a problem and need treatment to regain control of your life. 

5. Legal Issues

Alcohol-related legal issues such as DUI’s, public intoxication, and assault are serious signs that alcohol is a problem. Alcohol abuse treatment can help you address the underlying issue and many courts have a favorable view towards those that seek professional help. 

The Benefits of Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Structured Support: 

Approaching alcohol treatment from a residential setting provides individuals with the freedom to focus on their recovery. They are removed from the temptations, triggers, and stressors of the outside world. Rehab offers a rare opportunity for independent reflection and healing.

Professional Guidance: 

Alcohol abuse programs provide trained therapists and medical professionals to help you with the psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of your alcohol addiction. The clinical and medical teams work hand-in-hand to create a personalized treatment plan for you. 


Alcohol addiction can have severe and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Treatment facilities can help you to manage your alcohol detox while staying safe and minimizing discomfort. 

Therapeutic Interventions:

Behavior modification using therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, experiential therapy, and family programming can help to address the causes of addiction and work on healthy coping skills to prevent relapse. 

Peer Support:

Addiction thrives in isolation. Recovery thrives in community. Treatment programs often cultivate a deep sense of community and encourage individuals with similar challenges to connect. This provides support and accountability while lessening the feelings of isolation and being terminally unique. 

Aftercare Services:

Providing each individual that comes through treatment with the necessary resources and tools to continue their recovery after leaving rehab is essential. Aftercare sets up a network of support and is a major preventative to relapse. 

If you’ve read through this blog and been able to identify with a lot of what has been written, then treatment for alcohol abuse may be for you. The truth of alcoholism is that it is a progressive and chronic disease that is ultimately fatal if left untreated. It never gets better on its own. 

If you or someone you know wants to explore alcohol treatment options, call Country Road Recovery today.