Your Road to Recovery

Breaking the Chains of Addiction Stigma

Written by Country Road Recovery Center | May 29, 2024 5:16:58 PM

Despite addiction being officially classified as a disease in 1987 by the American Medical Association, people battling substance abuse are often still treated like second-class citizens. Judged and discriminated against, drug and alcohol addiction is still viewed as a moral failing by much of society leading to those suffering to do so silently and remaining hesitant to seek the help they need. Country Road is on a mission to fight back against the stigma of addiction and provide the support and resources necessary for recovery. Read on to learn how we’re working to change the conversation about addiction and treatment.

1. Educational Outreach & Awareness


The stigma around addiction grows on misinformation, naivety, and pure ignorance. For so long drug and alcohol abuse were considered topics polite society did not talk about. That’s why one of our primary goals is to pull these subjects out of the dark, shine light on them, and educate the public about the realities of addiction and the benefit of quality treatment.

The majority of our staff is in long-term recovery themselves and know firsthand the realities of this disease and its effects. That’s why it is so important to us that we are involved in the Oklahoma community advocating for better treatment, talking about the science of addiction, debunking myths, and highlighting the importance of treating substance abuse as the medical condition that it is. 

Our Director of Operations, Drew LaBoon leads fentanyl overdose awareness events across the state, is a News 9 contributor on the opioid crisis, and serves on the board of the National Recovery Rally. Derek, Country Road’s Director of Clinical Services has been involved in numerous organizations such Parents Helping Parents, to address the effects of addiction on families and hosts the Chasing Sanity podcast based on mental health and addiction topics. 

We believe in sharing real stories of recovery and providing factual information to break down the barriers of stigma. In doing this we hope to foster a more empathetic and informed community and encourage those in need to seek help without fear of judgment or repercussion.


2. Comprehensive & Accessible Treatment Programs


Country Road’s commitment to changing the conversation around addiction extends to treatment as well. We believe everyone who needs it deserves access to quality, effective treatment. Background or financial situations should not be the sole reason someone isn’t able to get help. We work hand-in-hand with our financial department to offer treatment programs that meet the unique needs of every individual; and that means financially as well as clinically. 

Our team provides a continuum of care that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of substance abuse and we want to make that accessible to all. 

To ensure accessibility, we work with a host of insurance providers and partner with local organizations and charities to provide scholarships and financial assistance to those who need it. By removing financial barriers, we make it possible for more people to receive the treatment they deserve.


3. Building a Strong Support Network


If addiction survives in isolation, then recovery blooms in community. Long-term sobriety is an ongoing journey that requires the support of others. At Country Road we strongly believe in not just treating the disease of addiction but in building up networks of support, resources, and friendship. This system provides a network of encouragement and accountability, helping individuals stay on track with their recovery goals and grow into happy, healthy humans. 

We also believe recovery should be fun and to this end we organize community events, such as sober activities, educational workshops, and family days, to promote a supportive and enjoyable environment for those in recovery. These events not only offer a sense of belonging but also serve to normalize conversations about addiction within the broader community. By creating spaces where people can share their experiences without fear of judgment, we help to reduce the stigma associated with addiction.


Start a Conversation


Don’t let misinformation, ignorance, fear, or self-consciousness stop you from getting the help you need. All of us at Country Road are committed to breaking the chains of stigma and paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone affected by addiction. 

 If you or someone you know needs help, reach out to us today—because recovery starts with a conversation alongside understanding and support.